What can Corporate Coaching do for You?

Corporate coaching offers countless benefits for you as an executive as well as the company for whom you work. In fact, corporate coaching is progressively seen as a way to develop both a business and its people. Coaching can assist in changing a company’s culture.

Let us consider the ways in which corporate coaching can bring about change in your own effectiveness.  We will also look at how it has a marked impact on the profitability of your business.

Personal Benefits

Corporate coaching helps you gain clarity on your own as well as business vision. With a clear vision of the bigger picture it is easier to set well-defined goals that will be attainable. A good coach will equip you to improve your relationships, after all business is all about relationships and communication.

Interactions with others automatically raises issues for us to deal with e.g. how well we handle power games, assertiveness, collaboration, etc. Corporate coaching gives us the opportunity to explore those aspects that hamper our effectiveness. At the same time an experienced coach will up-skill you.

Coaching plays a strong role in assisting you to manage stress and find greater work-life balance. This is becoming increasingly important with the heavy demands on executives these days. The higher you progress up the corporate ladder the lonelier the journey. The demands increase rapidly. Having an independent and trusted outsider allows you to talk to about those aspects impacting on your productivity and well-being.

Corporate coaching offers an opportunity for reflection within a safe space. This is a relationship where the coach is a partner. Someone who is there to support your growth and well-being. So a definite objective of coaching is to create an open, gentle yet honest environment for authentic conversations to occur. In this way your personal growth and mastery becomes possible.

Executives often comment that what they benefit from the most is learning more about themselves. A high percentage (68%) highlights self-awareness as a distinct benefit. They gain deeper insight into what drives and motivates them, factors that have the potential to derail them, their strengths as well as areas of vulnerability.

In essence corporate coaching aims to equip you to deal with all the demands in your life and to bring the best out of you. As a result you will experience an increase in self-confidence.

Business Impact

When an executive experiences positive benefits to corporate coaching these benefits automatically spill over to the business. Because coaching brings greater self-insight and self-confidence, you are more likely to step into your power and take on a stronger leadership role.

Coaching reviews how you manage and communicate in your team. It helps to determine if you are a natural leader or more of a manager. Furthermore it helps to determine where the gaps are in leading and growing the business. With all the information that is gathered coaching will help you find suitable solutions.

Corporate coaching enables you to communicate a clear vision to your team. A good leader empowers their team to actively engage in the business. Their enthusiasm and passion will encourage others to take ownership and accountability. This will lead to greater commitment and productivity.

A coaching culture encourages a learning organisation where the whole team endeavours to grow the company to the next level. Instead of factors being seen as a problem, they are seen as challenges that can be overcome. A positive mind set and continual growth is nurtured. Some of the key benefits that corporate coaching can include for both you and your team are:

  • Clarity on the vision and strategic objectives
  • Improved relationships and communication
  • Greater confidence and a positive mind-set
  • Continued growth and learning
  • Increased team engagement, retention and productivity
  • True connectedness between you and your team
  • Spirit of collaboration

Coaching has been around in the sporting arena for years. It is quite acceptable for top sportsmen and teams to be coached to improve their skills and to develop a positive mind set.

What are some of the lessons we can take from the great rugby coach Eddie Jones:

  • “Coaching is about imposing a lasting cultural change
  • It is about a minutely planned model of coaching
  • One needs to accept the cyclical nature of success
  • You are reading people. Messaging every one of them differently. Some need their heads massaged. Some need a cup of coffee. There is a science to the plan. Then there is the art. The art is all about relationships. When I was younger I could be hard on players. But I have learned with age that you can do it in other ways……”

It is no different in business.

If you would like to bring about a lasting change in your life or your team’s business, business coaching would be of tremendous benefit.

Posted in CEO, Self mastery.