
I founded PsychMastery because I understand that being human is quite a daunting journey. We  live in a world that is changing rapidly. As a result the demands on us are significant. Without even realising it you can find yourself on a path where you feel far removed from who you truly are. Perhaps you are not managing as well as you had hoped. Or you are unsure how to proceed. Unless you are aware of what is going on inside of you, you may well feel like a victim of circumstances. And as a result, the demands of life may dictate where you will end up. And when you wake up to the reality, years have passed by.

I help you to reconnect with the essence of who you are. I also enable you to bring deeper meaning back into your life and to feel energised and alive.

The journey through life really is more of a journey within, toward yourself, as opposed to what you achieve in the external world.

Uman Quote_SH

About Me

I am a qualified clinical and industrial psychologist with in-depth experience in the corporate environment as well as private practice.

After qualifying as a clinical and industrial psychologist I spent close on 2 decades in the corporate world. Here I learnt about the structures, processes and procedures required to run a successful business. My extensive time in the corporate environment educated me strongly in the masculine, left brain, side of life: being driven and problem solving orientated, pushing for results, etc. I interacted with a wide variety of people and gained invaluable knowledge, skills and expertise.

During this time I observed how the pressures of the business world directly affect the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of individuals. I noticed the immense inner turmoil that comes from losing inner power and motivation. Or not fitting in or enjoying being part of a large system. This tension often impacted negatively on an individual’s core being. As a result they felt less fulfilled, happy and productive.

So I established PsychMastery to support others to master the inevitable challenges  of life and explore how they respond to circumstances.

As a major inner shift occurred within me during my time in the corporate world, I became fascinated with the connection between the mind, emotions, body and spirit. The link was very obvious when witnessing the impact of stress on the mental, emotional and physical well-being of clients. I read extensively on the mind body connection.

Through a series of synchronistic events I also met and trained with various energy healers. And so I was introduced to the world of the intangible: energy healing and a guiding universal power.

From a left brain, problem solving approach toward life, my approach has shifted significantly to include the more fluid and creative way toward living. Now more than ever, the challenges in the world are asking for a different way of behaving so you may be surprised at your ability to do so with some support.

My Mission

As a wounded healer and living through some significant life challenges I have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation of our inner journey. Many a dark night of the soul brought me closer to the real person and the richness within me.

The past two decades also presented many opportunities where I experienced life changing moments through the use of ceremony. Each ceremony was very different and the impact truly long lasting for me as well as those who participated. Each time the amazing gifts were totally unexpected.

My intent is to help you connect with the magic within you as well as your life. Essentially, you and I will delve into and explore the person you are beneath the external layers.