Women’s contribution at work is still often seen as secondary to that of men. Continue reading
Category Archives: Women
The Untold Privilege of Motherhood
Motherhood provides innumerable gifts and blessings if we are open to it. Continue reading
Dilemmas for a Business Woman around Money and Marriage
A business woman can experience intense emotions on money matters that seriously affects her marriage.Continue reading
Asking for Help
Asking for help is something that is foreign to many women. The traditional roles for a man and woman still exist in many homes these days. Continue reading
Being Present
In today’s world it is quite a challenge being present in situations. Continue reading
You and Your Partner
The chances are good that you and your partner need to discuss roles at home. Work-life balance remains an area of inner conflict for many working women according to research I conducted.Continue reading
Physical and Emotional Well-being
I am sure few women would disagree on the importance of taking care of our physical and emotional well-being. So the question then is: are we making it a priority? Continue reading
Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries is crucial for our well-being as women. Continue reading
Corporate Perceptions
In specialised careers such as the medical, legal, investment etc. fields women are mostly seen as equals to their male colleagues. Therefore corporate perceptions are less of an issue.Continue reading
Gender Discrimination: Women’s Perspective
Some time ago I did a qualitative study with a small group of women. The aim was to gain an indication of gender equality in the work place as well as issues around the topic. Continue reading