Customers play an essential role in business and we need to see them as indispensable business partners. Continue reading
Category Archives: Client retention
Client retention: Knowing when to Cut Ties with a Client
Client retention may come at a high cost at times. Continue reading
How to Master the Art of Client Retention
Client retention is probably one of the most crucial aspects to master when in business. Continue reading
Client Satisfaction: A Lawyer’s Most Valued Performance Indicator
Client Satisfaction in especially the larger law firms’ rates low on the list of key performance indicators. Continue reading
How Coaching and Mentoring Can Improve Client Relationships
So you may wonder how coaching and mentoring can improve client relationships. Well, it can in a very significant way.Continue reading
Customer Relationship Management Tips to Increase Sales
This post offers 3 core customer relationship management tips to increase sales. Continue reading
Client Retention: Tips for Lawyers
Client retention is crucial for lawyers. You may feel as a lawyer that the only criteria on which you are evaluated by your clients, is your legal expertise. Well, this is definitely not the case. Continue reading